
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Are People Just a Bunch of Users?

Are people just a bunch of users? Do people only care about us when it benefits them in some way? It sure feels that way at times, doesn't it? You are going along in what you think is a great relationship when all of a sudden you realize they only appreciate what you do. They are only hanging out with you for what they might possibly gain. They haven’t given a single thought to who you are, they just know they want more of what you do for them.

That is how I thought when I was a kid growing up. My parents, teachers and friends were all there to meet my needs. I liked my parents when they did things for me and I even felt entitled to receive nearly all of what I was given. I also became very mad when I didn’t get the things I wanted. When things didn’t go my way I know there were times I looked straight into my parents’ faces and told them I hated them. It my desperate attempt to get what I wanted I played the worst card we all have towards one another. Hate. Or is it?

A few years ago, there I was at work, and I heard a phrase I will never forget. I was asked to “capitalize on my personal equity.” I was lost at first. I blindly asked, “What does that mean?” When the answer came I was sick. I wished I could take it back. Call me naive, but I didn't want to know that people actually deliberately used others to get to where they want to go. That people actually sit around and think about who they have as assets, especially in the church.  They think about who they know can do the job they want done and they go after that person to gain something personally. And maybe, maybe that is okay for the business world if we look for who can do the best job and we hire them and pay them well. But, I still dare ask the question, “What would it look like if we flipped it upside down?”

What if we existed to help others succeed? What if we capitalized on our personal integrity and asked how we can benefit someone else by serving them, giving them a job, lifting their burdens or by stepping aside so they can have their moment to shine. What if we provided someone with a chance even when they didn't deserve it or had not earned it yet? What if we acted on something or gave something away without expecting anything in return?

That is one of my favorite things about Jesus. While I was powerless and of no use to Him whatsoever He fought for me. He came after me. He gave His life for me. I looked right at His loving face and told Him I hated Him. In my desperate attempts to have the life I always wanted I played all the worst cards. I mocked Him. I accused Him. I cheated Him and I used Him. Yet He freely gave me His righteousness that I could not afford. No business person in their right mind would knowingly make a deal like that. The cost or liability was greater than the asset, but He was willing to leave it all for my sake.

That, my friend, is real negative equity. And that is what I want to be asked.

Do not ask me to capitalize on my personal equity as my flesh may beg of me. But ask me to give my life away for someone who cannot pay it back. Ask me to serve the ungodly. Ask me to demonstrate God's love to sinners like me by dying to myself to serve them. Ask me to wash their dirty feet. Ask me to forgive those that mock me, accuse me, cheat me and use me.

That is what is asked of us when we follow Jesus. We get to lay down all of our cards knowing that we have nothing better to gain. We get to flip the world’s ways upside and demonstrate what real love looks like. It may start with what looks like the worst business decision in the world, be painful and full of sacrifice, but it is worth every bit of equity.