
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Skinny Jeans

Skinny jeans don’t make the man. Already you are probably thinking, “Finally someone willing to say what I have been thinking for years.”

Not so fast…

What if I said, “Boot cut jeans don’t make the man” or “Khakis don’t make the man”?   Do you still feel the same way?

I think we have a problem...
For some reason we label people by what they wear. Right now it seems to be men who wear skinny jeans. Apparently they are being accused of either trying to be “cool” or “hipster” or they are accused of not being “real” men at all. And did you know that these skinny jean wearing hipsters are even being accused of growing our churches? They are being accused of just trying to look cool to attract people to attend church. Yeah. And apparently if you hire a lot of them at your church even more people show up and they start wearing skinny jeans too. It is the craziest thing!

 But what if I told you that under the skinny jeans stands a young man more comfortable in his own skin than the Pope in his robe? What if I told you that under the skinny jeans stands a young man who loves God and loves people and lives to glorify his creator? What if I told you this young man fed the homeless and elderly and cared for the misfits? What if I told you that this young man missed every recess for months to sit with a friend who couldn’t play so that the kid wouldn’t be alone? What if I told you that every day for three years this young man was called a “faggot” just for wearing skinny jeans and that still didn’t make him change because He believes and follows the One who is unchanging?

Skinny jeans don’t make the man and neither do khakis. God looks at the hearts behind all kinds of pants. The love of a Father lived through His sons and daughters who wear skinny jeans, khakis, capris, dresses, ties, hats, shorts, tattoos, piercings, beanies, robes and fanny packs grow His church. Sure, some churches try to attract people to come to church. And so often it is because they genuinely and desperately want to share the Good News and let the world know of God’s amazing love. Other churches bash the ones who are trying to attract people by judging their motives just like the young man was judged for wearing skinny jeans.

The church needs to remember it is the bride of Christ. We are not called to compete, judge, or attract to fill seats. We are to invite people to a dwelling place; a safe place from a world full of labels and ranks. We are to be His glory on display, redeemed by the blood of Christ and resurrected from death to life.  We are a people who have the living God dwelling inside of us. So let us rise up and move, and love, and pursue, and shelter, and reconcile. Go and make disciples however the Holy Spirit calls you to, in whatever clothes you are made to wear. You have been given everything you need in Christ!

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