This is a relationship. A beautiful relationship. A beautiful relationship between a Creator and His creation. When we know God this intimately it should compel us to know Him deeper and pour that out onto others. These are not things I desire on my own. On my best days I would still rather be provided for than to provide. I would still rather be consoled than to console or be protected over protecting someone else. But when I really understand and rest in the intimacy of my loving God I know that I am protected, consoled, and provided for and nothing can protect me, comfort me or provide for me better than the very One who created me.
This frees me and allows me to give myself away in the same way. I become a reflection of who He is. When others look at me do they see a mirror that reflects the beauty of their Creator? Do I say things to people that build them up? Do I hold their hand and gently walk them towards His truth? Do I go to people when they are hurting so that they can be led to the One who heals better than anyone? Do I rescue them from hiding and dry their tears on His pillow of comfort? Do I give strength to those who are struggling to stand so that through my physical body others can feel an invisible God? Do I hear the sighs of the broken? Am I willing to ask my creator to reveal how every person I am in contact with needs to see Him, feel Him or touch Him today and then shine His light on them? Or maybe I am more concerned with protecting myself. Licking my own wounds. Smoothing the storms of my own life.
A relationship doesn’t look the way we often think. We often think a relationship is give a little, get a little. If we give a lot we can and do expect a lot in return. But that is not God’s design. He gives to us things we could never repay. He gives to us things we don’t deserve. He gives to us expecting nothing in return. Am I a friend like that or do I pursue people on the account of what they can do for me? Do I genuinely love God’s people because I am so intimately related to Him that what grieves Him grieves me? Or am I loving and nice in order to manipulate the people around me to do things? I mean even if they are things like trying to persuade people to follow Jesus, attend church, grow church, or serve in the church it is still conditional, strings attached, love.
I am so thankful that God is not that kind of Friend, Father, or Rescuer to me. I am thankful that He chose me while I was no use to Him whatsoever. As I trust in who He is and allow His Spirit to fill me, I no longer need creation to fill me and I can freely pour into creation what God pours into me. Unconditional Love.
This is a relationship. A beautiful relationship.
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